SE Portland, my backyard
August 1, 2005, 8:34 PM
f/2.8, 1/90 sec, 38mm equiv focal length
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I was shooting something else in the yard, and just happened to look up, and liked what I saw and took this one. I liked the twilight indigo of the sky, and the way silhouettes of the trees were simple and varied at the same time. From left to right, that's a Western Red Cedar, a Douglas Fir, and a fruit cherry of some kind.
[I can't decide the right size for vertical-format images. On my 17" monitor set at 1024 x 768, after browser margins, toolbars and tabs, I can't see 700px vertically. And I don't want to have to scroll to see the image in pieces. It should be all visible at once. And maybe 500px vertically is too small, but I'm still trying to work within the limits of Flickr, and that's the standard 'Medium' size.]